How to Manage Oily Hair for a Fresh Look Every Day


Are you tired of constantly battling oily hair? Does your hair seem to get greasy even after washing it only a day or two ago? If so, you’re not alone. Oily hair can be frustrating to manage, but with the right techniques and products, you can achieve a fresh look every day. Here are some tips on how to manage oily hair:

  1. Use the Right Hair Products: Choosing the right shampoo is crucial in managing oily hair. Unfortunately, most on the market strip hair of essential oils making hair more oily. Lisa May products do not. And there’s no need for products for oily hair or dry hair. Our products work on all hair types.

  2. Don't Over-Wash Your Hair: While it may be tempting to wash your hair every day, over-washing can actually make your oily hair worse. When you wash your hair too frequently, it strips away natural oils from your scalp, causing your scalp to produce even more oil in response.

  3. Rinse Thoroughly: Make sure to rinse your hair thoroughly when washing it. Any leftover shampoo or conditioner can weigh down your hair and make it appear greasier.

  4. Use Dry Shampoo Dry: shampoo is a lifesaver for those days when you don’t have time to wash your hair but still want it to look fresh and clean. Dry shampoo absorbs excess oil and gives volume to flat roots.

  5. Avoid Touching Your Hair Too Much: The more you touch your hair, the more oil from your hands transfers onto your strands, making them appear greasy faster.

  6. Style Your Hair with Care: When styling your oily locks, avoid using heavy products like waxes or gels as they tend to weigh down the strands and make them appear greasy faster.

Managing oily hair doesn't have to be a daily struggle anymore! By following these tips and incorporating them into your routine, you'll be able to achieve a fresh look every day without worrying about greasy locks holding you back!

Lisa May Eco Hair Care .