How To Keep Your Beard Looking Its Best


Whether you’re already rocking a beard or just starting to grow one out, keeping your beard looking its best requires more than just the occasional trim. Proper brushing and styling techniques can help maintain your beard’s shape while also helping to avoid tangles and split ends. Read on for tips on how to brush and style your beard.

Brushing Your Beard

Brushing your beard regularly is essential for keeping it looking neat and tangle-free. Choose a good quality boar bristle brush with stiff bristles, as this will ensure that your hair is evenly distributed across the length of the beard. Make sure that you start at the root of your facial hair and work upwards in order to properly distribute the natural oils from the scalp down the length of your beard.

Styling Your Beard

In order to keep your facial hair well-groomed, you may need to use a comb or other styling product such as wax or pomade. Start by dampening your beard with lukewarm water and then apply a small amount of product before brushing it through evenly. Once you have achieved the desired shape, be sure to finish off with a light hairspray for long lasting hold without any greasy residue.

Caring For Your Beard

To keep your facial hair looking healthy, make sure to include regular trims using a quality pair of scissors or an electric trimmer set at lower speeds. In addition, try using products specifically designed for beards such as conditioners and oils which can help promote growth and make it easier to manage thick beards. Finally, regular shampooing will help remove any dirt or debris from deep down within the follicles of your facial hair for an overall healthier look.


Having an attractive, well-groomed beard takes more than just letting it grow wild! Brushing and styling are key components in maintaining handsome facial hair that looks great all day long. Choose quality tools such as boar bristle brushes and products like waxes or pomades specifically tailored towards men's grooming needs in order to keep that mane looking its best! With just a few simple steps, you’ll be able to keep up with proper care so that you can enjoy having an attractive full-bodied beard all year round!

Lisa May Eco Hair Care .