The Dark Side of Shampoo: How It Can Strip Your Hair of Natural Oils


We all know that shampoo is an important part of keeping our hair clean and healthy. But what you may not know is that shampoo can also strip your hair of its natural oils, which can lead to dryness, breakage, and a generally unhealthy-looking mane. Here's a closer look at how shampoo strips away those essential oils and what you can do to protect your hair.

The Science Behind Shampooing

Shampoo works by using a surfactant (a fancy word for soap) to break up the oils that are binding together the dirt and debris in your hair. In other words, it's the same process that happens when you wash your dishes or do a load of laundry. That soap grabs hold of the grease and grime and washes it away, leaving your dishes or clothes nice and clean.

Now, here's where things get a little tricky. You see, our hair is covered in sebum, which is an oily substance produced by the sebaceous glands in our scalp. Sebum is made up of triglycerides, wax esters, squalene, and free fatty acids—and it's this combination of ingredients that helps to keep our hair healthy and strong. But when shampoo comes into contact with sebum, it can strip away those natural oils, leaving our hair dry and damaged.

How To Protect Your Hair

So now that we know how shampoo can damage our hair, what can we do to protect it? Well, for starters, you can switch to a gentler cleansing product such as our products. We have no harsh chemicals or artificial fragrances. Our products leave your natural oils while still cleansing you hair plus our products promote growth and restore your hair to its natural beauty and condition.


Shampoo is an important part of keeping our hair clean—but it's also important to be aware of how it can damage our strands. By understanding the science behind shampooing and taking steps to protect our hair, we can minimize the risk of dryness, breakage, and other problems caused by stripping away too much of our hair's natural oil content.

Lisa May Eco Hair Care .